

This activity was to prove and show a with concrete evidence how disgusting and inconsiderate people can be when it comes to cleanliness at school. Before the school day starts off , the scenery is actually clean and somewhat peaceful. But once 11:20 hits and that bell for lunch rings the once cleaned areas begin to slowly and slowly get littered, student by student it gets dirtier by the minute. Area's such as the quad, the administration hall and the grassy area between the halls are where most students spend their lunch time at and that is where it gets littered the most, My peers who are in and support SLWRP, have taken these before and after pictures to show just how different it looks when it's clean and dirty. The amount of trash left behind is ridiculous. It's amazing how much of a difference we could make if we just tried. The places that are most populated and the areas on the way back to class are where you will find the most littered spots. As shown in the picture the grassy area used to be a very green and cleaned open area but with the littering, it makes it look ugly and dirty.
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