Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Davis Street Transfer Center

Waste Management Facility
The trip to the Davis street transfer center was a really great opportunity for a learning experience that we could be more aware about. The facility wasn't as dirty as I was expecting it to be, it was somewhat along the lines of being a clean kind of trashy. It gave me the chance to see everything in action and most of all to see and realize, that effects from what we carelessly throw out of our homes. I think that it was an eye opener and got me to see that there is a way to prevent all of the access garbage, by throwing things the proper way.

The orderliness of the facility was surprising though the aroma was horrid, they showed the different steps and procedures that they did to make sure that certain materials that could be recycled WERE recycled. The different piles and the different ways that they were able to make it more possible for the public to be more aware of helping throw out certain things that shouldn't be thrown out with the basic garbage cans.

I was able to be more aware about knowing what to and what not to throw out, also with the knowledge of recycling more often. I recently learned that throwing out things such as batteries were very unhealthy to be thrown out, and it should be thrown away in a certain manner in a certain place. I also learned that the Alameda County has taken recycling to the next level by having higher standards for the community. With the less amount of garbage and the percentage of non-recycled items. Garbage that is not recycled or reused/remade, it put into a land fill which is a very big open hole dug deep in an open land area where the trash is dumped and buried under the ground. Which is an even bigger reason and motivational subject for people to want to throw things out. because one day it is possible that the world will be filled with garbage and there won't be anymore space for homes or stores or better things that land can be used for. Not to mention the hazardous things that it does to our earth, some things are able to seep out of the land through the tarp that is thickly layered on top of the waste. Over time it will eventually erupt and cause major damage to the planet and possible to human race.

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